Hope Fulfilled

Photo Copyright: www.godponderings.com

Today I enjoy the payoff for those April rains. The mayflowers along my tree line are in full bloom.  Several spring bloomers go by the common name “mayflowers.” In my childhood home we assigned this name to round-lobed hepatica. I have only a few in my yard, but they’re thick in the woods behind my parent’s house. 

As a child, I loved picking small bouquets of these dainty flowers, in their various shades of lavender, blue, white and pink. Their fuzzy stems would push through fall’s brown litter and burst open. Early bloomers, they were showing off alongside the bloodroot, before the wood anemone, mayapples, and trilliums got started with their spring displays. Each year I looked forward to holding them close to my nose and soaking in their heavenly aroma. In mild years, they would appear early in May. When the winter was harsh, their arrival would be delayed a bit. But I knew they would not disappoint me.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick…” (Proverbs 13:12a) We can all think of times we’ve set our hopes on uncertain things, only to nosedive in disappointment when they don’t work out as we’d hoped. The vacation cancelled because of unexpected illness. The home improvements delayed by car repairs. The solitary moments interrupted by divine appointments. Or the promotion (with raise) that was given to someone else in the department.  

“…but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs13:12b) When we set our hopes on things which are certain, we’re never disappointed. And, of course, the only certain things in this world are the things of God. The redemptive power of Christ’s shed blood. The constant, indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The immutability of God’s divine nature. The reliability of God’s Word. The certainty of eternity.

As surely as winter ushers in spring, our faith in Christ’s sacrifice ushers us into God’s family. (John 1:12) As surely as God sends the spring rains, He sends His Spirit to indwell every believer. (Ephesians 1:13) As surely as the unchanging march of the seasons, God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) As surely as the mayflowers bloom, the truths in God’s eternal word live and grow in our hearts. (Isaiah 40:8) As surely as summer follows spring, eternity follows mortality. (John 5:28)

Our hope is in the Lord. He will not disappoint us.

Published by

Michelle Adserias

Michelle Adserias resides on a small farm in Wisconsin with her husband. Their four children have all flown the coop. She is a student of God's Word and God's heart thrives on teaching biblical truths to others. Michelle also enjoys hand embroidery, nature photography, playing the piano and writing. She is currently the editor of Today's Christian Living magazine.